OGF har invitert Bettina Goertz-Allmann (NORSAR) til å fortelle om overvåkning av krigen i Ukraina med seismiske data. Foredraget holdes på engelsk.
Tid: onsdag 8. november 2023, kl. 17:00
Sted: Aud. 1, Geologibygningen, Sem Sælands vei 1, Blindern, Oslo.
Ved: Bettina Goertz-Allmann, NORSAR
Om foredraget:
We demonstrate how seismological data can be used to detect conflict-related explosions in near-real-time. Using the Ukrainian primary station of the International Monitoring System (IMS), the Malin array (AKASG), we automatically locate explosions around the Kyiv and Zhytomyr provinces. Both seismic and infrasound detections can be used to verify and improve accurate reporting of military attacks and help to provide an unprecedented view of an active conflict zone. Our resulting catalogue of explosions correlates with key events in the Ukraine conflict and the total number of detections far exceeds the number of publicly reported attacks.
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